Results for 'D. A. Polikarpova'

942 found
  1. Family consent, communication, and advance directives for cancer disclosure: a Japanese case and discussion.A. Akabayashi, M. D. Fetters & T. S. Elwyn - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (4):296-301.
    The dilemma of whether and how to disclose a diagnosis of cancer or of any other terminal illness continues to be a subject of worldwide interest. We present the case of a 62-year-old Japanese woman afflicted with advanced gall bladder cancer who had previously expressed a preference not to be told a diagnosis of cancer. The treating physician revealed the diagnosis to the family first, and then told the patient: "You don't have any cancer yet, but if we don't treat (...)
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    Residuated Structures and Orthomodular Lattices.D. Fazio, A. Ledda & F. Paoli - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (6):1201-1239.
    The variety of residuated lattices includes a vast proportion of the classes of algebras that are relevant for algebraic logic, e.g., \-groups, Heyting algebras, MV-algebras, or De Morgan monoids. Among the outliers, one counts orthomodular lattices and other varieties of quantum algebras. We suggest a common framework—pointed left-residuated \-groupoids—where residuated structures and quantum structures can all be accommodated. We investigate the lattice of subvarieties of pointed left-residuated \-groupoids, their ideals, and develop a theory of left nuclei. Finally, we extend some (...)
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  3. Toward a science of consciousness: the first Tucson discussions and debates.D. J. Chalmers, R. Hameroff, A. W. Kaszniak & A. C. Scott - 1996 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
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    Constructing the Death Elephant: A Synthetic Paradigm Shift for the Definition, Criteria, and Tests for Death.D. A. Shewmon - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (3):256-298.
    In debates about criteria for human death, several camps have emerged, the main two focusing on either loss of the "organism as a whole" (the mainstream view) or loss of consciousness or "personhood." Controversies also rage over the proper definition of "irreversible" in criteria for death. The situation is reminiscent of the proverbial blind men palpating an elephant; each describes the creature according to the part he can touch. Similarly, each camp grasps some aspect of the complex reality of death. (...)
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    A study of copper distribution in lamellar Al–CuAl2eutectics using an energy analysing electron microscope.D. R. Spalding, R. E. Villacrana & G. A. Chadwick - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (165):471-488.
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    A physiological control theory of food intake in the rat: Mark 1.D. A. Booth & F. M. Toates - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (6):442-444.
    Signals to the brain from the flows of energy around the body, varied primarily by declining amounts of food energy in the stomach, can explain the pattern of meals in the laboratory rat, the differences between dark and light phases, and the development of obesity ion the rat wioth VMH lesions but normal sating.
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  7. Neurotechnology as a public good.K. N. Schiller A. M. Jeannotte, E. G. DeRenzo L. M. Reeves & D. K. McBride - 2010 - In James J. Giordano & Bert Gordijn (eds.), Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics. Cambridge University Press.
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    Allocating Scarce Medical Resources: Using Social Usefulness as a Criterion.D. Selvaraj, A. McClelland & A. Furnham - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (4):274-286.
    This study aimed to determine if people would use social usefulness as a criterion when allocating a kidney to potential recipients. Participants ranked hypothetical patients in order of priority to receive the kidney, using only information on the patients’ volunteering record, intelligence, emotional intelligence, and attractiveness. The results showed that volunteers were prioritized over nonvolunteers, highly intelligent patients over those with average intelligence, patients with high emotional intelligence over those with average emotional intelligence, and good-looking patients over average-looking patients. There (...)
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  9. Filosofii︠a︡ v nezavisimoĭ Indii: problemy, protivorechii︠a︡, diskussii.A. D. Litman - 1988 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka," Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry.
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  10. Réponse à M. Gardair.A. D. Sertillanges - 1907 - Revue de Philosophie 10:107.
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    Self and Community in a Changing World.D. A. Masolo - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Revisiting African philosophy’s classic questions, D. A. Masolo advances understandings of what it means to be human—whether of African or other origin. Masolo reframes indigenous knowledge as diversity: How are we to understand the place and structure of consciousness? How does the everyday color the world we know? Where are the boundaries between self and other, universal and particular, and individual and community? From here, he takes a dramatic turn toward Africa’s current political situation and considers why individual rights and (...)
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    Sixty-five years of theories of the multiaxial flower.A. D. J. Meeuse - 1972 - Acta Biotheoretica 21 (3-4):167-202.
    A critical appraisal of the theories founded on the theorem of the multiaxial flower , shows an evolution fromWettstein's original version of 1907 to various hypotheses founded on the the same theme and partly derived from the Wettsteinian doctrine. A number of circumstances such as semantic inconsistencies, but principally the choice of inadequate archetypes, prevented the success of the theory of a polystachyous floral region, because the deductions and interpretations emanating from this concept were not sufficiently convincing to defeat the (...)
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    Internal cohen extensions.D. A. Martin & R. M. Solovay - 1970 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 2 (2):143-178.
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    Vchityvai︠a︡sʹ v Marksa: izbrannye raboty po marksovedenii︠u︡.D. B. Ri︠a︡zanov - 2018 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
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  15.  22
    A new rank test for the K-Sample problem.A. D. Barbour, D. I. Cartwright, J. B. Donnelly & G. K. Eagleson - 1985 - History and Philosophy of Logic 14 (6).
  16. D. F. Pears on `is existence a predicate?'.D. A. Griffiths - 1975 - Mind 84 (335):431-435.
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  17. Filosofskie osnovanii︠a︡ edinstva biologicheskogo i fizicheskogo znanii︠a︡.I. D. Akopi︠a︡n - 1987 - Erevan: Izd-vo AN Armi︠a︡nskoĭ SSR.
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  18.  18
    Emotive Propositions. A Study of Value.A. D. Woozley - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (22):89.
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    Psikhologii︠a︡ ugolovnoĭ otvetstvennosti.O. D. Sitkovskai︠a︡ - 1998 - Moskva: Izd-vo NORMA.
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    Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡, 1783-1841: i︠a︡zyk i literatura v Rossii na rubezhe XVIII-XIX vekov.A. A. Kostin, N. D. Kochetkova & I. A. Malysheva (eds.) - 2010 - Sankt-Peterburg: Institut lingvisticheskikh issledovaniĭ RAN.
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  21.  38
    Angiosperm phylogeny, floral morphology and pollination ecology.A. D. J. Meeuse - 1972 - Acta Biotheoretica 21 (3-4):145-166.
    The different aspects of floral evolution—Angiosperm descent, floral morphology and pollination ecology—are discussed on the basis of the anthocorm theory of the angiospermous flower. Opposed ideas are critically compared and rejected mainly on account of several inconsistencies and flaws in old floral concepts. Floral evolution passed from a very early phase of dicliny, anemophily and aphananthy of the anthocorm to a phase of incipient entomophily soon associated with a partial sex reversal within the anthocorm. This second phase culminated in the (...)
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  22.  30
    Blindsight in rodents: The use of a "high-level" distance cue in gerbils with lesions of primary visual cortex.D. P. Carey, Melvyn A. Goodale & E. G. Sprowl - 1990 - Behavioural Brain Research 38:283-289.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ dukhovnosti i zdorovʹe.A. D. Botulu - 2005 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡.
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  24. Realism and Conventionalism in Einstein's Philosophy of Science: The Einstein-Schlick Correspondence.D. A. Howard - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 21 (2/4):616.
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    A. H. Armstrong: Plotinus. Pp. 174. London: Allen and Unwin, 1953. Cloth, 10 s. 6 d. net.D. A. Rees - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (02):201-.
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    Ecology as a teleological science.A. D. Voûte - 1968 - Acta Biotheoretica 18 (1-4):143-164.
  27. African philosophy in search of identity.D. A. Masolo - 1994 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    " -- Africa Today "The excellence of this book lies in the wealth of perspectives that it brings to the discussion on what constitutes philosophy, rationality, ...
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    Akhlāq-i ḥirfahʹī va vaẓāyif-i ṣinfī-i rūḥānīyat az nigāh-i Imām Khumaynī =.Ḥamīd Āqānūrī - 2013 - Qum: Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm va Farhang-i Islāmī, vābastah bih Daftar-i Tablīghāt-i Islāmī-i Ḥawzah-ʼi ʻIlmīyah-ʼi Qum. Edited by Muḥammad Bāqir Anṣārī & Ruqayyah Chāvushī.
    Ruhollah Khomeini views on clergy and professional ethics.
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  29. Nauchnyĭ poisk i religioznai︠a︡ vera.A. D. Aleksandrov - 1974
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  30. Gheraṇḍasaṃhitā: Yogaśāstram. Gheraṇḍa, Caṇḍakāpali & Rādhācandra (eds.) - 1929 - Kalyāṇa-Bambaī: "Laksmīveṅkateśvara" Sṭīm Presa.
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  31. But why does what works work? A response to Fifer, Henschen, Gould, and Ravizza, 2008.A. Martindale & D. Collins - unknown
    The article "What works when working with athletes" by Fifer, Henschen, Gould, and Ravizza offers an interesting array of information and insights used by three highly experienced applied sport psychology consultants. This response article, however, contends that it may be possible to glean a further, and crucial, level of understanding by exploring the metacognition behind the selection of such courses of action. This may be provided through applied cognitive task analysis techniques to access the cognitive mechanisms underpinning professional practice. A (...)
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  32. Zhilʹ Delëz: filosofii︠a︡ razlichii︠a︡.A. V. Dʹi︠a︡kov - 2013 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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    Mūjaz al-ṭurūḥāt al-falsafīyah al-Hīlīnīyah.Niḍāl Kāmil Rashīd - 2020 - [Place of publication not identified]: Nidhal K. Rashid.
    An Arabic language summary of the history and principles of four key Hellenic schools of philosophy: Cynicism, Skepticism, Epicureanism, and Stoicism.
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    Can sense be made of spinal interneuron circuits?D. A. McCrea - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):633-643.
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  35.  15
    Vyftig jaar geskiedenis van die Christendom aan die Teologiese Fakulteit, Afdeling A van die Universiteit van Pretoria, 1917 tot 1967.A. D. Pont - 1966 - HTS Theological Studies 22 (4).
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  36. Li︠u︡di! Vperedi propastʹ: pisʹma deti︠a︡m, vnukam, druzʹi︠a︡m, budushchim pokolenii︠a︡m.E. D. I︠A︡khnin - 2002 - Moskva: Taĭdeks Ko.
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    Group size: A possible distorting factor in learning experiments.A. Swerts, R. Peeters & G. D’Ydewalle - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (2):93-96.
  38. A defence of Aristotle's logic.A. D. Ritchie - 1946 - Mind 55 (219):256-262.
  39. Leksicheskai︠a︡ semantika: sinonimicheskie sredstva i︠a︡zyka.I︠U︡. D. Apresi︠a︡n - 1995 - Moskva: Vostochnai︠a︡ literatura" RAN.
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  40. Falsafat al-muṣādafah.Maḥmūd Amīn ʻĀlim - 1970
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  41.  12
    A modern introduction to metaphysics.D. A. Drennen - 1962 - [New York]: Free Press of Glencoe.
  42.  38
    Physical bases for a new theory of motion.A. D. Allen - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (3):407-412.
    The author has recently shown that a mathematical question regarding the fundamental constituents of hardrons cannot be resolved unless the classical axioms of nonfinite mathematics are revised in such a way as to produce a new theory of particle motion in continuous space-time. Under this new theory, the instantaneous position of a moving object has a magnitude that is increasing as the object's velocity. The purpose of this paper is to show that, quite apart from the question of Cantorian axiomatics, (...)
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    Contrast from stacking faults and partial dislocations in the field-ion microscope.D. A. Smith, M. A. Fortes, A. Kelly & B. Ralph - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (149):1065-1077.
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    Īḍāḥ al-maqāṣid fi ḥall-i muʻḍilat-i kitāb al-Shawāhid.Javād Muṣliḥ - 2006 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-ʼi Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-ʼi Īrān. Edited by Najafqulī Ḥabībī.
  45. Activation and use of stereotyped beliefs in personnel decisions: A mock (football) draft.D. R. Shaffer & C. A. Collier - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov (ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 14--186.
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  46. Pozitivizm i nauka: Kritich. ocherk: [Sbornik stateĭ]/ AN SSSR, In-t istorii estestvoznanii︠a︡ i tekhniki.D. P. Gorskiĭ & Boris Semenovich Gri︠a︡znov (eds.) - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  47. al-Ḥadāthah al-ʻArabīyah: mawāqif wa-afkār: al-fikr al-ʻArabī bayna waʻy al-dhāt wa-haymanat al-ākhar.Muḥammad Saʻīd Ṭālib - 2003 - Dimashq: al-Ahālī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Studies in Sanskrit Śāstras.Ravīndra Kumāra Paṇḍā - 2000 - Delhi: Paramamitra Prakashan.
    Collection of research papers on various aspects of Hindu philosophy, Puranas and Sanskrit literature.
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    Authority as a reference problem.D. A. Strickland - 1970 - Ethics 80 (3):238-239.
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    A study of estimates of intelligence from photographs.D. A. Laird & H. Remmers - 1924 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 7 (6):429.
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